Big data: The benefits for pharmaceutical compliance

Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the amount of data generated by companies and users. The pharmaceutical industry has also recognized the value of Big Data as a resource for digitally collecting and analysing this information. Rather than relying on limited information obtained from panels, groups, questionnaires, and other studies, pharmaceutical laboratories can now leverage the vast amount of data available. Industry players are not only utilising their own data, but also third-party data to drive their digital transformation.

The pharmaceutical industry is a rapidly evolving sector that must keep pace with technological advancements and changing patient needs. Digital technology is playing an ever-increasing role in the industry, from drug research and development to production, marketing, and patient care by utilising digital technologies, pharmaceutical companies can enhance their research and development processes, with the help of artificial intelligence and simulation, for optimal results.

At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry faces constantly evolving challenges and regulations. According to a recent study, over 75% of pharmaceutical companies view continuous adaptation as necessary to remain compliant and effective. Each year, the National Collective Agreement of the pharmaceutical industry convenes to establish new guidelines and rules to follow. In this article you will find that effective data management and distribution are crucial in addressing these regulatory challenges and paving the way for the digital healthcare landscape of the future.

The importance of a proper data governance model

In the age of Big Data and data collection in healthcare, choosing a secure and efficient data governance model has become a critical decision. A data governance model outlines the guidelines for data collection, utilisation, protection, and management, ultimately improving the quality of data. In addition, with strict data protection regulations like GDPR in place, robust governance is essential.

An optimal and secure governance model, vous assurez une protection des données sensibles et confidentielles en définissant les règles pour leur utilisation et leur protection.

The importance of regulatory information management solutions

In the pharmaceutical industry, handling the regulations and changes surrounding market authorisation for pharmaceutical products can be challenging, given the intricacy of regulations and regional requirements. A Regulatory Information Management (RIM) solution can help manage these approvals more efficiently. This solution enables centralised management of information, thus simplifying the task of managing and updating data. It also automates processes, minimising errors and processing times, and ensuring compliance with local regulations and regional requirements to avoid penalties and legal issues. By utilising a RIM solution, companies can then accelerate the processes, enhance precision and compliance, and lower costs.

Data security in the pharmaceutical industry

In terms of data security, pharmaceutical companies must comply with data privacy and protection regulations. This security issue is especially crucial because pharmaceutical companies handle sensitive and confidential data related to patients, healthcare providers, and clinical trials. Big Data and secure governance allow for the collection and analysis of all data collected while respecting the privacy and regulatory challenges associated with the pharmaceutical industry.


Inferensia is a data and innovation consultancy that brings together strategy consultants and other experts. We develop strategies to transform public and private organizations while making data a growth factor.

Beyond the collective and individual interest of its teams, Inferensia also positions itself as a major player in innovation for its clients, thus incubating the best ideas of our partners, clients and collaborators. We do not focus solely on "Delivery", "Technology" or "Doing" (traditional vision) but above all on ROI and usage (innovative vision) on which our achievements are based.